Become a sponsor today!The VCMPerth Team

Become a sponsor of one of Perth’s most unique and alternative events.

  • All Wheel Show and Shine
  • Miss Lady Lace’s Pinup Parade
  • Live music by real artists
  • Loads of media and public attention at every event!
  • Exhibitors range from hobbyist to major brands.

2019 sees  The Vintage Collective Markets return to our home in the Swan Valley, where it all began, and hope we can continue to produce our brand of unique events and activities whilst encouraging and assisting in preserving crafts, trades and resources.

Our amazing following and growth through our media sites are ORGANIC, that is real people supporting and engaging with us, our advertisers and you, our exhibitors, through our sharing and promoting your attendance.
The Vintage Collective have an enviable support base who are bursting to come back to the valley, to us,  at the OCTOBER 20th relaunch.

12,000 followers on our The Vintage Collective Markets Perth Western Australia page
And 258,000 interactions on our The Vintage Collective Markets in the Swan Valley on Facebook in the last 90 days.
What a huge result.
To see real people engaging with us. We want see our event grow, become strong and stay connected to our diverse community. We are not a flea market, nor do we just sell secondhand. It’s a full celebration of a unique culture. Not a flooded grounds of bric brac… It’s hard work sometimes to engage the right exhibitors and we love that you appreciate quality over quantity.

We are a business, so we get you’re a business too. We promise great traffic to your sites by joining with us today!

 What can we offer!

Premier Sponsor 

Banner placement on site, one free outdoor space. Own equipment needed. 1 x social media post with your E links on our event page on Facebook.

Major Sponsors

As above PLUS logo on ALL event sites. Remaining for 4 weeks after the event date. E links on PINNED post on the event site.  PA announcements during event. Trophy presentation if you choose this option.

Event Sponsor

As above Plus logo on ALL collateral. Promotional material (as supplied by you) distributed at the event by our pinup ambassadors during the event.

Logo visual around stage during event.

1 social media post per week during lead time. Promotion of your business through our website. Logo and a link to your preferred site on footer of home page of website.